As an agency you have several options when it comes to building out your clients websites. You can…
- Hire a full-time or part-time in-house employee to take care of everything
- Find different freelancers to handle all the different tasks that come up for your clients
- Assign one of your designers to do some research and figure it out with one of the many page builders out there
Each of these options comes with it’s pros and cons. For example, If you have an in-house employee, you need to figure out if you can keep them busy. If you hire different freelancers, you have to be aware there will be a learning curve each time they work on a site; and it’s recommended they spend valuable time just becoming familiar with you, your clients, and the platform each website was built on. If you have your designer build the site, what happens when you need something built that is beyond their capabilities? What if something breaks or your client’s site goes down and they just don’t know how to fix it?
This is where we come in.
As your WordPress development partner we can take over where the design stops. (Or even before that if you need design and content as well.) Once your designer has finished the design of the website, you pass it off to us and we will take it from there. We build the site out, take care of launching, migrating and even hosting the site. We also take care of the monthly maintenance and updates to the site. For example, if content changes are needed or some sort of functionality needs to be added to the site later down the road.

Another pro to working with a WordPress developer is since we built the site, we’ve been working with you and your client from the beginning – we’re already familiar with how the relationship works and what your client needs. There’s no learning curve; and we don’t have to get up to speed or spend valuable time figuring it all out. In the case that something breaks, we have a team of developers we can bring in who can troubleshoot and solve the problem as quickly as possible. If work slows down for a season, you don’t have to worry about us keeping busy enough to justify our salary like you would with an employee.
We are there when you need for as much or as little as you need us. Does this sound like something your agency might benefit from? Let’s schedule a call today.