Don’t stress—your homepage is still a part of your website. But it’s not your whole website. Sometimes, people prioritize their homepage so highly that they don’t have any energy left when they get to the other pages in their website.
For years, it was common for someone to have spent lots of time on making sure their homepage was perfect. They’d have an eye-catching layout, a great call to action at the very top, and all the information anyone could want about their organization, all on that one page. Then when it came to the interior pages, they’d just fill everything into the default layout and style of whatever theme they installed.
That may have been fine then, but now, Google indexes every page of your website. In the search results, the homepage is rarely the page potential clients land on first. It has become relatively less and less important.
Certainly, your homepage is still important. But because of the way Google indexes search results now, you need to treat each internal page with the same care you showed on the homepage. The internal page your visitor lands on may be your only chance of capturing that visitor’s attention.

Every page needs to look as good as the home page does. It should be appealing, reflect thoughtfulness, and contain information that catches the reader’s attention.
I recommend that you have a professional help you set up your website for a few reasons, but this is an important one. There’s a scientific system that search engines use to index websites. You’ll want your website to fit within that system as well as possible. A professional will have experience working with that algorithm, and should be keeping up with any changes to it. That way, when they create your website, even your internal pages will be optimized for search engine results.
You should be getting repaid for your investment of time and money in a new website, and making sure each page of your website is thoughtfully created will increase the possible return on your investment in terms of new customers.
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